
I am a fully bilingual (EN/FR) media personality of Inuk and Irish ancestry. I have an eerie feeling that I am 3 times lucky... Born and raised in Sorel/Montreal, I obtained 3 degrees, travelled to over 30 countries and lived on 3 continents before becoming a teacher for the deaf. Three years in, I dropped it all to follow a dream of working in media. After enjoying broadcasting stints in Winnipeg and Ottawa, move #3 brought me back to where it all started: Montreal.
Teaching was my first career, radio my second and now my THIRD: TV!
I had fun hosting Rogers' "Before I Kick The..." & MAtv's "The Checklist", my own bucket-list accomplishing tv shows and highlighting local organisations on MAtv's "Montreal Billboard". I then woke up every morning, for 7 years, with Montrealers as Global News Morning's Weather Specialist and Community Reporter. I also tackled weather on the late news for Global Toronto, Montreal, Halifax and New Brunswick. Since November 2024, I've been enjoying my new role as Host-Reporter for APTN (Aboriginal Peoples' Television Network) 's French newscast, Les Nouvelles Nationales,
Oh! I am also mom to two adorable boys and one furbaby named Nuka!